Antiracism Library Resources Available

by Laney O'Donoghue

Katie Sarginson recommends:

  • Between the World and Me, by Ta Nehisi Coates

  • How to Be Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi

  • The Black Friend: On Being a Better White Person, by Frederick Joseph

  • This Book is Anti-Racist: 20 Lessons on How to Wake Up, Take Action, and Do the Work, by Tiffany Jewell

  • So You Want to Talk About Race, by Ijeoma Oluo

  • Stamped, by Jason Reynolds & Ibram X. Kendi

PVHS Library Antiracism Collection

This past June, through the Black Lives Matter Movement, the increase in awareness about systemic racism in America was brought to the world's attention, Students learning about the history and pain of the Black community in America can continue the fight against racism and learn how to contribute as an ally and antiracist on the PVHS campus.

It is important to understand this matter fully and to continue to educate yourself moving forward to prevent similar acts of discrimination and hate in the future, as well as expanding knowledge on this issue to increase inclusivity in America.

“We have an amazing selection of ebooks . . . a lot of them are fiction titles, recently published, that are very diverse in nature. Either the author, the protagonist, or some of the books even center around racial justice,” says Katie Sarginson, librarian at PVHS.

With the resources provided by Sarginson, PVHS students have a great advantage in learning about this topic. There are a variety of books available through the PV Library Book Catalog that provide diverse views for students to learn about.

Sarginson stated, “We have a couple of great research databases that can be used to learn about these topics and I have also put together a collection, . . . a digital display where you can look through the books, . . . videos, other websites, and resources where you can take quizzes.”

Not only does the library offer ebooks to students, there are other resources available for them to utilize while educating themselves on this matter. Some of these resources include Gale in Context and ProQuest. These databases can be accessed under Research Support on the PVHS Library Homepage. A more efficient source is the Antiracism Collection Sarginson curated, providing the necessary tools for students to read, watch, learn about this topic.

Reflecting on the spa shootings in Atlanta, Georgia and the multiple anti-Asian attacks on individuals walking on the streets in metropolis cities across the United States, such as the Bay Area, Atlanta Area, and New York City, it is increasingly necessary to educate yourself on the lingering racism in America and how to be an ally to people of color on our campus. The resources provided by the PVHS Library can be used by students to kick-start their personal research on the various matters that fall under the topic of racism, and how they can make generous contributions to end racism.

Sarginson shared the reasoning behind her Antiracism Collection, “I wanted to pull more books into the library that help educate us about the history of racism and different perspectives, as well as practical guides to becoming antiracist . . I want to provide resources for high school students so that you [all] can start the work younger, and make a greater impact earlier in your lives.”