Junior Annika Gnesda Makes History at PVHS

by Laney O'Donoghue

The story behind Gnesda's football journey to become one of the first female players at PVHS

Photo by Molly Brown

Art by Nicholas Thompson

Pandemic Impacts a Famed Rivalry

by Erik Quiel and Nicholas Thompson

PVHS and CHS competitions used to bring excited and spirited crowds, but with the onset of COVID-19 crowds have been cut in size and spirit

Photo by Maya English

Does AM/PM Cohort Affect Academics?

by Ethan Truong

Student athletes' opinions on how the AM/PM model affects their academics this year

Photos by Todd Mino, Vince Enserro and Kristi Van Nuys

Student Athlete Profiles

by Maya English

A closer look into three PVHS athletes and their accomplishments

COVID-19 Restrictions Disrupt College Sports Recruiting

by Mallorie Barteau

Student athletes struggle to get recognition by colleges for their athletic performances

Photo by Mallorie Barteau

Person on the Street

How has COVID-19 affected sports for students this year?

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