Springtime Events Finally Begin to Return

by Natalie Chaplin

Read about upcoming events such as dance day and prom

Feature: Junior Artist Carson Pozas

By Yarah Radaideh

Meet Carson Pozas, the talented artist at PV, and see some of his best works

Top 10 things to do in Chico in the Spring

By Anastasia Avdeeva

Go outside! Chico has many activities to offer for fun in the spring

Healthy Habits: Food and Excersize Availible on Campus

By Indi Christensen

Find tips for how to maintain a healthy lifestyle in spring

How to Stay Motivated and Avoid "Burn-Out"

By Ethan Besnard

Read about how students have managed to persevere through this difficult time and finish the school year strong

Person on the Street

What is your favorite spring time activity?

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