How to stay Motivated and Avoid "Burn-Out"

by Ethan Besnard

With less than two months remaining in the 2020-2021 school year, high school students around the world are now facing one of the most stressful times of the year. With the addition of the effects from the global pandemic, a mounting pressure to finish the year strong is being added to the shoulders of students who are working hard in school, at jobs, at home, and on the athletic fields.

Junior Justin Clink shared how he plans to deal with the stress that comes with the end of the year, and what has kept him motivated. “Football keeps me focused and motivated. I’m going to stay consistent with all of my classes and get my work done on time.”

Photo by Courtney Gray

Junior Anna Isherwood added that this school year “has been crazy and it’s weird to think that it’s almost over since we haven’t been in regular school. I feel like I’m less motivated due to everything being crazy and modified due to COVID-19 and I had more time to procrastinate and became less motivated because of all of the changes throughout the year.”

In the final weeks of school, students at PV are now facing upcoming final exams, AP tests, SAT testing, and state testing. While the light at the end of the tunnel may still seem far, English teacher Rochelle Garrett gives insight on her recommendations on how students can find motivation. “If a student is feeling unmotivated I generally say to break a task into smaller, more manageable chunks. If you look at the big picture sometimes it becomes overwhelming. Instead, look at smaller, more doable pieces and reward yourself when you complete a portion.”

For PVHS students who are struggling and need added motivation to finish the school year successfully, one option is our Peer Tutoring program. Counselor Melissa Plants said, “The tutoring program is really good because, beyond learning, you can connect with peers. That is something we have all been missing.”

This free, after-school program is a great way to get extra help in classes that are challenging or time-consuming. Plants added, “ I match tutors with students who need help based on areas of expertise and personality. I think that the tutor has already taken the course and passed, been there done it. I think that because the tutor has already taken the course and passed, it gives a sense of can-do attitude for the student.” To sign up for tutoring, fill out this short Google form. Students can also sign up to become a tutor if they're available to help other students.

Plants also talked about the benefits of talking to a counselor about any struggles a student is facing. “We are able to meet with you one on one to listen. We are able to connect you to resources and offer some support. Because some students feel intimidated to talk to their teachers, counselors can serve as a middle ground to help reach out to the teachers. Lastly, we can help students see the bigger picture, envision their plans after high school and college, and create reasonable, achievable goals.”

While the 2020-2021 school year was full of changes, it is important to find a way to stay motivated, whether it takes a focus on school, sports, or helping out at home. Everyone is going through something that has never been dealt with before - finish this year strong and be prepared for what is coming next.