Parent Information

Hello Parents!

Education is extremely important; however, a great education can only come about when students, teachers, and parents work together for the success of the student. My goal is for us to work together to ensure your child's success this year.

I have created this section to stay in communication with you, give access to tips and information, and to allow you to be aware of expectations for our students. This section will be updated throughout the year, so be sure to check in from time to time.

Once again, students will be successful when we all work together, so please let me know if there is anything you need or are concerned about throughout the year. Thank you!

A Note About COVID-19

This year, we are facing a new challenge: COVID-19. We understand that you are concerned for your child’s safety at school. Therefore, we would like to reassure you that we are doing everything possible to keep your child safe at school. This year, we promise to love your kids. Thank you for sharing your children with us. We will love them and take care of them while they are with us at school. We promise to do our best to give your child a quality education during this challenging time. We have high expectations for all of our students and will work hard to help your child succeed in fourth grade. We promise to enforce any guidelines that are given by administration and district leaders. We will limit our time in the hallways and bathrooms with other classes by adhering to a strict schedule. We will also encourage our students to wear masks when working in small groups and when social distancing is not a possibility. We promise to encourage good hygiene. We have germ-x available at various locations throughout our classrooms and will encourage students to wash their hands while they are at the restroom. We promise to encourage your child to be safe, wear a mask, and make smart choices. Above all, we promise we will love your kids.