CT Physical Fitness Test

Curl Ups

The partial curl-up measures abdominal strength and endurance. Abdominal fitness is important to good health because low levels are associated with bad posture and lower back pain in later years. The test objective is to complete as many curl-ups as possible up to a maximum of 60 at a specified pace.

Click here for the curl-up cadence

Click here for curl-up demo

Push Ups

The purpose of this test is to measure upper-body strength and endurance. The right-angle, or 90-degree, push-up is recommended as a test of upper-body strength and endurance. Muscle fitness is required for people of all ages in order to perform daily living and recreational activities with vigor and undue fatigue. The objective of the test is to complete as many 90-degree push-ups as possible at a specified pace.

Click here for push-up cadence

Click here for push-up demo

Mile Run

The objective of the test is to cover the distance of one mile in as short a time as possible. The purpose of the test is to measure cardio-respiratory or aerobic endurance. The one-mile run/walk is a good indicator of the ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen to functioning muscles, in other words, the capacity to perform activities using large muscle groups over an extended period of time. The importance of cardio-respiratory fitness lies in the fact that heart disease is a leading cause of death in our society.

Sit and Reach

Maintaining adequate joint flexibility is important to overall health. Testing one leg at a time helps to identify any asymmetry in hamstring flexibility while avoiding hyper- extension of both knees. The purpose of the sit-and-reach test is to measure predominantly the flexibility of hamstring muscles. Normal hamstring flexibility allows rotation of the pelvis in forward bending movements and posterior tilting of the pelvis for proper sitting.

The objective of the test is to reach the specified distance on the right and left sides of the body.

Click here for sit and reach demo