Physical Education and Health

The goal of the physical education and health program is to help students become physically literate. What is physical literacy? Please click on the videos below to find out more!

"Physical literacy is the ability, confidence, and desire to be physically active for life."

Physical Education is an integral part of the middle school program. Every student participates in a planned, sequential program unless specifically excused by a doctor. At Dodd, students wear designated uniforms with socks and sneakers. Locks and lockers are provided. Students’ evaluation is based on skill performance, knowledge of games, and participation. Activities vary and range from fitness, recreational and lifetime leisure, and dual and team sports.

Through this comprehensive program of physical education a student will:

    • Be able to demonstrate competency in a variety of movements and proficiency in a few selected physical activities.

    • Understand and apply movement concepts to the learning and development of motor skills.

    • Use fitness concepts to achieve and maintain a health enhancing level of physical fitness.

    • Understand and apply responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.

    • Exhibit an understanding and respect for the differences among people in physical activity settings.

    • Understand and identify how physical activity provides personal enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and social interaction.

    • Participate in the Connecticut Physical Fitness Test.