Mental Health

Non-specific Emotional well-being & mental health links


  • Managing Your Worries CBT guide for young people

  • Anxiety in Teens

  • Young Minds information on anxiety

  • Many self help and other resources looking at anxiety, phobias and panic attacks.

  • Breathe2Relax The relaxation app trains you on the “belly breathing” technique that has proven benefits for your overall mental health. (Available on iOS and Android)

  • Moment Moment tracks how much time you spend on your phone each day. (Available on iOS)


  • SAM is an application to help you understand and manage anxiety. (Available on iOS and Android)


  • Daily tools for stress, anxiety, and depression alongside a supportive community. Based on cognitive behavioural therapy & mindfulness meditation. (Available on iOS, Android & Web)

  • Thrive: Feel Stress Free

  • When you log in it gives you different tips to help you relieve stress/anxiety. There are tabs for meditation, deep relaxation, self-hypnosis, and more. (Available on iOS and Android)

  • BASE An app designed to help manage stress and anxiety. By learning more about how and why we experience anxiety at different times and in different situations we can be less fearful. (Available on Android)

  • MindShift An app designed to help teens and young adults cope with anxiety. It can help you change how you think about anxiety. (Available on iOS and Android)

  • Anxious Minds Anxious minds are a charity that was set up by sufferers of anxiety and depression, to provide free support to all suffers of anxiety and depression. (Available on Android)

  • Worry Watch This journaling tool has a simple user interface where users can log instances of worry, fear, and anxiety. They can also add the outcome of each situation, which provides a comparison between expectation and reality that helps reduce anxiety over time. (Available on iOS)

  • What’s Up? Anxiety App This app uses CBT and ACT (Acceptance Commitment Therapy) methods to help you cope with Depression, Anxiety, Anger, Stress and more. (Available on iOS and Android)

  • WELLMIND WellMind is your free NHS mental health and wellbeing app designed to help you with stress, anxiety and depression. The app includes advice, tips and tools to improve your mental health and boost your wellbeing. (Available on iOS and Android)

  • WRAP (cost – £3.03) WRAP was developed by a group of people who have a lived experience of mental health difficulties. Using a WRAP involves listing your personal resources (Wellness Tools), and then using these resources to develop Action Plans. You decide how and when to use your WRAP. (Available on iOS and Android)

  • Cove Free, personal music journal to help you with your emotional and mental health. Trusted by the NHS. (Available on iOS)

  • I love Hue When you feel like you have no control, this app can help sooth you by creating simple visual harmonies from mosaic tiles. (Available on iOS and Android)

  • MeeTwo An award winning free fully moderated app for teens, which provides peer support, expert help, inbuilt educational and creative resources as well as in app links to UK charities and helplines. MeeTwo allows young people to experiment with what it feels like to open up without drawing attention to themselves while positive feedback and social support builds confidence, increases wellbeing and promotes emotional resilience. (Available on iOS and Android)

For Parents


  • Winston’s Wish – Young People’s area

  • Child Bereavement UK

  • Hope Again Website for bereaved teens

  • Grief Created by a group of bereaved young people working directly with Child Bereavement UK. It has been developed for 11-25 year olds who have been bereaved of someone important to them. It can also be used by friends, teachers, parents and professionals who would like to know how to support bereaved young people. (Available on iOS and Android)

  • Smiles and Tears It provides an interactive tool to record memories, send gifts and write thoughts, feelings and emotions. As well as these interactive tools, Smiles and Tears have also provided tips on how to manage emotions such as anger, confusion, guilt, loneliness etc. (Available on iOS and Android)

Eating disorders


  • CALM App for Mindfulness and Meditation. (Available on iOS, Android & Web)

  • Headspace- Through science-backed meditation and mindfulness tools, Headspace helps you create life-changing habits to support your mental health and find a healthier, happier you.

  • Smiling Mind Trying to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life? This app can help you launch into a regular practice of mindfulness meditations. (Available on iOS and Android)

  • Wysa Happiness Chabot Wysa helps to build emotional resilience by talking to you about your situation. Over 60 psychologists and 10,000 users have provided specific inputs to shape how Wysa helps them. (Available on iOS and Android)


Self harm


Shoutfree crisis text service for anyone, anywhere

Kooth - free, safe and anonymous online support for young people


Spot the Signs

Stay Alive App

Hertfordshire Suicide Prevention Strategy 2020-2025

Low cost and local counselling services:

Tilehouse (Hitchin)

Rephael House

CALM HARM Calm Harm provides tasks that help you resist or manage the urge to self-harm. You can add your own tasks too and it’s completely private and password protected. (Available on iOS and Android)

BlueIce A prescribed evidence-based app to help young people manage their emotions and to reduce urges to self-harm. It includes a mood diary, toolbox of evidence-based techniques to reduce distress and automatic routing to emergency numbers if urges to harm continue. (Available on iOS and Android)


  • Stress Check by Azumio This app takes you on a deep breathing exercise to promote calmness and can bring your heart rate down in five minutes. The app provides instant feedback with breath and pulse monitoring and tracks long-term progress. (Available on Android)

  • Happify The Happify app is a way to make a game of all the positive psychology tricks you know might work, but make you feel kind of silly when you actually do them. You’ll start by taking a quick test that assesses the areas of happiness you should work on. Then, you’re presented with a few “tracks” that can help get you to your goals. (Available on iOS and Android)

Exam stress


Papyrus Prevention of Young Suicide is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional well-being in young people.

OLLIE -ONE LIFE LOST IS ENOUGH A charity dedicated to delivering suicide awareness, intervention and prevention training by empowering professionals and young adults in their own communities to lead suicide prevention activities.

Stay Alive App A free, national suicide prevention pocket resource, packed full of useful info to help you stay safe. It offers help and support both to people with thoughts of suicide and to those concerned about someone. (Available on iOS and Android)

MY3 With MY3, you define your network and your plan to stay safe. With MY3 you can be prepared to help yourself and reach out to others when you are having thoughts of suicide. (Available on iOS and Android)