Welcome to our Well-being Portal

We want to provide our school community with useful and up to date health, mental health and wellbeing resources. 

Our mental health lead teacher is Mrs Charlotte Wildig. You can e-mail her here

Children's Well-being practitioner workshops

Workshops are open to all young people & parents/carers of children and young people who attend a school or are registered to a GP in Hertfordshire. A referral is not needed to access a workshop. All workshops are currently being delivered online via Microsoft Teams. For more information about what each workshop covers and to book a place onto a workshop, visit the Children’s Wellbeing Practitioner Eventbrite page. Click here for full details and to book on. 

The Sandbox


Signing up is easy and doesn’t require a referral from a professional

For more information about this service, click here.

Mental Health Support Teams @ Chauncy

To deliver evidence-based interventions for mild-to-moderate mental

health issues;

• Support the mental health lead in each school or college to introduce

or develop whole school or college approach and;

• Give timely advice to school and college staff and liaise with external

specialist services to help children and young people to get the right

support and stay in education.

You can speak to the Designated Mental Health Lead (DMHL) at your school/

college who can refer you to our service. 

Upcoming webinars, support workshops and parent courses

 FREE parent workshops also available. To have a look at the current offer from the 

HCT Children's Well-being Practitioners, please click here or 

Supporting Links workshops (click on posters below) or click here.

My Teen Brain information booklet. Click here

SPACE Hertfordshire FREE online courses for ADHD/Autism/Neurodiversity. Click here  

Supporting Links online parenting courses. Click here 

SUGAR FOOT BOXING - A therapeutic boxing club for young people aged 11-17 at Simon Balle School on Sunday mornings. Click here

Future Living Hertford A free workshop for parents and carers of children, focusing on Routine and Boundaries. Click here.


(Click on the posters to access the information)

Quick Links

             The Sandbox

Shout 85258

School Contact