Can't Sleep?

Do you ever have trouble falling or staying asleep? Sleep contributes to our well-being more than we think. Try these strategies...

  • Take the pressure off - remind yourself that resting your body is enough, even if you're a little tired tomorrow; daring yourself to stay awake (also takes the pressure off) often relaxes you enough to fall asleep.

  • Write anxious thoughts on a notepad so they are out of your mind. You can deal with them tomorrow.

  • Visualize putting anxious thoughts in a drawer on the other side of your room.

  • Reflect on the fact that there is a whole community of people who suffer from insomnia and you are not alone.

  • Capitalize on and appreciate the quiet time we so rarely get.

  • Use the time to practice meditation, do a body scan, practice breathing strategies, or stretch.

  • Name one thing/person you're grateful for for every letter of the alphabet.

  • Notice the fun things the shadows in your room look like.