Unit 6

The Union Torn Asunder

Unit Overview

Students will have learned the causes of the Civil War in the previous unit. This unit will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of each side during the war as well as the strategies used. The impact the Civil War had on the daily lives of all South Carolinians will also be examined.

Overarching Inquiry Question

  • What was the most significant impact of the Civil War?

Standard & Skills Emphasis at a Glance

Standard 3: Demonstrate an understanding of conflict and compromise in South Carolina, the Southern region, and the United States as a result of sectionalism between the period 1816–1865.

  • Indicator 8.3.CE: Examine consequences of the major Civil War military strategies.

    • This indicator was designed to encourage inquiry into the Civil War focusing on the impacts of military strategies and major turning points on South Carolina and the U.S.

  • Indicator 8.3.CX: Evaluate the economic significance of agriculture on South Carolina, the U.S., and the world. This indicator was designed to encourage inquiry into the economic implications of the expansion of the rice and cotton industries.

    • This indicator was also developed to promote inquiry into Westward Expansion, the mutually beneficial impact of cotton on Northern factories and Southern plantations, and the emerging national and international markets.

  • Indicator 8.3.CC: Analyze debates and efforts to recognize the natural rights of marginalized groups during the period of expansion and sectionalism.

    • This indicator was designed to encourage inquiry into the continuities and changes of the experiences of marginalized groups such as African Americans, Native Americans and women, as the U.S. expanded westward and grappled with the development of new states.

  • Indicator 8.3.E: Utilize a variety of primary and secondary sources to analyze multiple perspectives on the effects of the Civil War within South Carolina and the United States.

I Can Statements

  • I can compare the Southern and Northern economies prior to the Civil War.

  • I can explain the importance of South Carolina during the Civil War.

  • I can connect the Southern military strategies to the outcome of the Civil War.

  • I can connect the Northern military strategies to the outcome of the Civil War.

Unit 6 - Teacher Presentation

Unit 6 The Civil War: The Union Torn Asunder Teacher Presentation

Unit 6 - Student Presentation

Final - Unit 6 The Civil War: The Union Torn Asunder Student