Unit 1

Colonial Carolina

The history of colonial Carolina is the story of immigration. The first to arrive were Native Americans who created a society and culture. The Spanish, French, and English followed with the latter establishing a permanent settlement. The forced migration of African Americans established the colony as a plantation slavocracy. Native Americans found themselves marginalized and slowly forced to the far western region of South Carolina. This unit will examine the effects of these different people groups on the land that eventually became known as Carolina.

Overarching Inquiry Question:

What were the negative and positive results of immigration to colonial Carolina?

Standards & Skills

Standard 1: Demonstrate an understanding of the development of South Carolina during the settlement and colonization of North America in the period of 1500–1756.

  • 8.1.CE: Analyze the factors that contributed to the development of South Carolina’s economic system and the subsequent impacts on different populations within the colony. This indicator was designed to encourage inquiry into the geographic and human factors that contributed to the development of South Carolina’s economic system. This indicator was also written to encourage inquiry into South Carolina’s distinct social and economic system as influenced by British Barbados.

  • 8.1.P: Summarize major events in the development of South Carolina which impacted the economic, political, and social structure of the colony. This indicator was designed to encourage inquiry into the development of South Carolina as a result of mercantilist policies, which ranged from the Navigation Acts to trade with Native Americans to the use of enslaved people as labor. This indicator was also designed to promote inquiry into agricultural development, using the rice-growing knowledge of enslaved West Africans.

  • 8.1.CX: Contextualize the development of South Carolina’s political institutions during the colonization of British North America. This indicator was designed to encourage inquiry into the development of the political structure of the South Carolina colony from the development of Charles Towne under English control to the movement toward self-rule.

  • 8.1.CC: Analyze the changes and continuities of the Native Americans’ experiences prior to and as a result of settlement and colonization. This indicator was developed to encourage inquiry into Native American civilizations and cultures prior to European contact and their interactions with Europeans during the period of settlement and colonization, including their efforts to preserve their cultures.

  • 8.1.E: Utilize a variety of primary and secondary sources to examine multiple perspectives and influences of the economic, political, and social effects of South Carolina’s settlement and colonization on the development of various forms of government across the colonies.

I Can Statements

  • I can analyze the changes and continuities of Native American life prior to and during the arrival of Europeans and Africans.

  • I can summarize the major events of South Carolina including how the initial immigration of the Spanish and French impacted South Carolina.

  • I can analyze the factors that contributed to the development of South Carolina’s economy and its impact on the different people groups of the colony.

  • I can summarize the major events of South Carolina and their impact on its economy, government, and society.

  • I can contextualize the development of South Carolina’s colonial government.

  • I can examine how the forced migration of African Americans via the Middle Passage impacted colonial South Carolina.

  • I can examine how African labor and culture impacted colonial South Carolina.

  • I can examine how the Stono Revolt impacted colonial South Carolina.

  • I can examine how the Slave Code of 1740 impacted colonial South Carolina.

DBQ Choices for Unit 1

Link to all DBQs digitized & What is a DBQ?

  • Cabeza de Vaca: How Did He Survive?

  • Early Jamestown: Why Did So Many Colonists Die?

  • What caused the Salem Witch Trial Hysteria of 1692?