Unit 4

A New Nation and State

Unit Overview

This unit will focus on the early development of the United States and South Carolina from the end of the Revolution through the War of 1812. Students will examine the factors leading to the Constitutional Convention, its conflicts and compromises, the ratification process, and the debate leading to the Bill of Rights. The subsequent development of the two-party system and the nation’s eventual war with Great Britain will also be examined. Finally, students will explore the impact of technology as they consider how the invention of the cotton gin led to the political union of the South Carolina Lowcountry and Backcountry with the Settlement of 1808. This unit and subsequent units addresses difficult racial topics.

Overarching Inquiry Question

  • Would you have been a supporter of a strong national government or supported a more limited national government with states exercising more power?

Standards & Skills

Standard 2: Demonstrate an understanding of how South Carolinians and Americans created a revolutionary form of government during the period of 1757–1815

  • 8.2.P: Analyze significant founding principles that led to the development of federalism in South Carolina and the United States. This indicator was designed to encourage inquiry into the development of the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and representative democracy.

  • 8.2.CC: Analyze the continuities and changes of how different groups immigrated to and migrated within South Carolina. This indicator was developed to encourage inquiry into the immigration and migration patterns of different groups within South Carolina, including their economic, political, and social power to do so. This indicator also promotes inquiry into an exploration of such ideas as the expansion of slavery and hostilities with the native peoples.

  • 8.2.E: Utilize a variety of primary and secondary sources to analyze multiple perspectives on the development of democracy in South Carolina and the United States.

I Can Statements

  • I can analyze significant founding principles that led to the development of federalism and representative democracy in South Carolina and the United States by examining the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution.

  • I can analyze the continuities and changes of how different groups immigrated to and migrated within South Carolina.

  • I can explain the origins and importance of the two-party system.

  • I can identify the conflicts and compromises between South Carolina’s Lowcountry and Backcountry.

  • I can detail the importance of the War of 1812 to South Carolina.

Unit 4 - Teacher Presentation

Unit 4: A New Nation & State Teacher Document

Unit 4 - Student

Final - Unit 4: A New Nation & State Student Document

Additional Materials/Resources