Unit 10

Cold War Carolina & Beyond

Unit Overview:

This unit explores life in South Carolina from the Cold War to modern day. Students will explore the conflicts and resulting tensions surrounding the Cold War Conflict. Students will also investigate the modern Civil Rights Movement, including key activists and events in South Carolina. This unit will also allow students to examine the political shift in the South, including the challenge of the “Dixiecrats” and the end of the Solid South. This unit concludes with the students analyzing the changes that come to South Carolina in the modern era, including the boost in tourism, growth of technical colleges, and the impact of new industries.

Overarching Inquiry Question:

What Causes a Society to Change?

Standards & Skills

Standard 5: Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of world events on South Carolina and the United States from 1929 to present.

8.5.CE Analyze the factors contributing to the shifts in the political party platforms between 1946–1972. This indicator was designed to foster inquiry into the changes in South Carolina’s political party platforms resulting from the Civil Rights Movement, from Elmore v. Rice to the national Democratic Party’s support of civil rights to Nixon’s Southern Strategy. This indicator also supports inquiry into the effect on South Carolina’s political party platforms resulting from the emergence of the national Republican Party’s positions on foreign policy, limited government, and free trade policies.

8.5.P: Analyze the transformation of South Carolina’s economy from the Great Depression to its current economic diversification. This indicator was designed to promote inquiry into the devastation of the Great Depression and the impact of the New Deal on a largely agricultural South Carolina. This indicator was also designed to foster inquiry into the economic diversification between World War II and the present, to include tourism, global trade and industry, and the maintenance of military bases.

8.5.CX: Analyze the correlation between the Modern Civil Rights Movement in South Carolina and the U.S. This indicator was designed to foster inquiry into the role of South Carolina in the Modern Civil Rights Movement, to include the influence of court cases such as Briggs v. Elliot and Flemming v. South Carolina Electric and Gas. This indicator was also developed to promote inquiry into the relationship between national leadership, protests, and events and South Carolina leadership, protests and events, such as the Friendship Nine and the Orangeburg Massacre.

8.5.CC: Analyze the continuities and changes in South Carolina’s identity resulting from the civic participation of different individuals and groups of South Carolinians. This indicator was developed to encourage inquiry into civic engagement, such as military service, public demonstrations, and political activism, to shape the identity of modern South Carolina. This indicator was also written to encourage inquiry into South Carolinians’ use of the court system and legislation to affect South Carolina’s post-World War II identity.

8.5.E: Utilize a variety of primary and secondary sources to analyze multiple perspectives on the cultural changes in South Carolina and the U.S.

I Can Statements:

  1. I can describe life during the Cold War Era.

  2. I can contextualize the state and national events and leaders of the Civil Rights Movement.

  3. I can analyze the factors contributing to the shifts in the political party platforms between 1946 to 1972.

  4. I can evaluate the impact of individuals and groups effecting social change. I can analyze the changes in South Carolina’s economy.

Copy of Unit 10 Teacher - 8th Grade
Unit 10 Student Notebook - 8th Grade copy

List of Possible Topics To Cover:

Civil Rights: The Friendship Nine, Orangeburg Massacre, Kress Sit-in, Elmore v. Rice 1947, Briggs v. Elliot 1947, Loving v. Virginia 1967, Civil Rights Activism, Civil Rights Legislation 1964/1965, Desegregation of Clemson University, Civil Rights Songs

US/ World Politics: Cold War, Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam War, Re-alignment of Parties '48-'72, School Equalization '51-'60, "Dixiecrats" Nuclear Energy, Anti-War Protests

Economics/Industry: "Regeanomics", Santee-Cooper Project, Savannah River Nuclear Plant, Amazon, BMW, Volvo, Tourism, etc, Right-To-Work, Globalization

Social/Information: Immigration and Migration (Hispanic Immigration), Current Elected Officials, Current Issues affecting SC, Stars and Bars Controversy, Mother Emanuel A.M.E Church 2015, Education Reform, Abbeville v. SC