Unit 2

Colonial America

The students will have examined in depth the colony of South Carolina in the prior unit. This unit will have students extend their knowledge and skill-base by comparing the three regions of British North America (New England, the Middle colonies, and the South, with special emphasis on South Carolina). Then students will explore how these regions were economically interconnected within the British system of mercantilism. They will conclude the unit discussing which region they think was most important within Britain’s imperial economy.

Overarching Inquiry Question:

Which region of British North America was most important within Britain’s imperial economy?

Standards & Skills

Standard 1: Demonstrate an understanding of the development of South Carolina during the settlement and colonization of North America in the period of 1500–1756.

  • 8.1.CO: Compare the three British North American colonial regions economically, politically, socially, and in regard to labor development. This indicator was developed to encourage inquiry into how the three British colonial regions developed in terms of their culture, economies, geography, and labor. The indicator was also developed to encourage inquiry into the unique story of the development of South Carolina.

  • 8.1.E: Utilize a variety of primary and secondary sources to examine multiple perspectives and influences of the economic, political, and social effects of South Carolina’s settlement and colonization on the development of various forms of government across the colonies.

I Can Statements

  • I can compare the culture, economy, geography, government, society, and labor sources of the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies of British North America.

  • I can explain how the economies of British North American colonies, especially South Carolina, functioned within British mercantilism.

Unit 2 - Teacher

Unit 2 - Teacher - 8th Grade

DBQ Choices for Unit 2

Link to all DBQs digitized & What is a DBQ?

  • Cabeza de Vaca: How Did He Survive?

  • Early Jamestown: Why Did So Many Colonists Die?

  • What caused the Salem Witch Trial Hysteria of 1692?