
Coaches and Buses

Contact details for the providers, routes and schedules of the timetables can be found in the Information section on the school website Chancellor's School/Parents/Transport, a separate email will be sent out later with further information for the GB bus from Hammond Street, Goffs Oak and Cuffley.

For students using any of the commercial routes it is strongly recommended they purchase an annual Hertfordshire Saver Card, from Hertfordshire County Council.  

Parents/carers of students with statutory travel entitlement based on distance from the school or other circumstances will be contacted by Hertfordshire County Council regarding travel arrangements and the provision of season tickets.

Staff Car Park & Cars

Staff Car Park

The staff car park must NOT be used under any circumstances for meeting, collecting or dropping off your children.


We discourage parents/carers from driving to and from the school. However, the school recognise that some parents/carers do have to drive their children to and from school. We request that parents drop their children off away from the school, at the bottom of Pine Grove, and for their children to walk the final part of the journey. For parents who do use Pine Grove, we would ask that they use the bus turning circle in the morning for dropping off children. At the end of the school day, parents waiting to collect children are asked to park considerately and legally along Pine Grove or the neighbouring road network, so that the coaches and buses using the turning circle have room to manoeuvre.

Safety is our primary concern

The roads are, of course, public highways and, whilst we have no legal authority to prevent you driving and stopping where you choose, the good name of the school and our school community is compromised when the above requests are ignored.


There is a bike shelter on site for student use.  Parents/carers are expected to ensure that their child’s cycles are maintained and in a safe condition to use.  Cycles are parked on the school premises at the owner’s risk and should be locked at all times.  The school cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage. Students cycling to and from school should ensure they wear a helmet and carry lights in case of poor visibility.

Sustainable Travel

Chancellor’s School is fully committed to promoting sustainable travel to and from school. Finding easier and more efficient modes of transport to access the school site actively supports our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint and making the school environment an even more pleasant place in which to study. Furthermore, walking, cycling or accessing public transport positively reduces noise pollution and congestion, ensuring a calm and orderly start to the day.

Moving to secondary school is an important stage in a young person’s life and in our experience encouraging a child to develop their independence and resourcefulness is a key life skill that is strongly associated with future success, both academic and social. Making his or her own way to school positively reinforces a student’s developing maturity and eases the transition from primary to secondary school. Chancellor’s School can be accessed safely by a number of different methods and the school is consistently working to refine and improve site access.

We actively encourage all our students who live in Brookmans Park and Welham Green to walk to and from school each day. The bottom field gate is opened at the start and end of each day to facilitate site access. Regular daily exercise is both sociable and invigorating and ensures students arrive to school ready to learn effectively.

For those students who would prefer to cycle we provide sheltered bicycle racks just inside the staff car park. If your child would like to cycle to school please ensure they are wearing appropriate visible and protective clothing (including using a cycle helmet) and ensure they are obeying the highway code. Parents should note that all bicycles are parked at the owner’s risk and should be fixed securely to bicycle racks.

Students living in Hatfield, Potters Bar and Cuffley have access to an efficient daily bus service. An additional county bus service operates for those students accessing the school from some of the smaller villages to the east of the school. Buses pick up from a variety of locations and ensure students are brought to school on time for registration. Buses leave promptly at 3.10pm each day. When compared to the daily fuel costs of driving to school buses provide a cost-effective, comfortable and reliable alternative. For further information relating to routes and costs please refer to our website for all other services.

 For any students coming to the school from further afield (for example out of London or from Welwyn Garden City) there are regular and reliable train services to Brookmans Park train station, situated in the village, from where a brisk twenty minute walk will provide access to the school. Young person discounts can apply for train travel and if this is your preferred mode of transport then you are advised to contact the relevant train operators for a timetable and pricing.

Chancellor’s School would prefer students not to access the school site by car. The school recognises however that there are a small number of students who are not able to take advantage of the routes highlighted above. Chancellor’s School is accessed by one residential road and at peak times too many cars risks causing congestion and noise and air pollution. If the car is the only available means of coming to school please can we ask you to consider one of the following options:

If your child is being brought to or being picked up from school by car please ensure you have parked responsibly respecting the fact that Pine Grove is home to private residents who require unrestricted access to and from their properties. All road markings must be observed and private driveways must not be obstructed.

If we all make a conscious commitment to reducing our carbon footprint we are teaching our children a valuable lesson about sustainability and respect for the environment, whilst promoting a healthy and active lifestyle. We look forward to your support.