Tiaré mini

Gardenia taitensis

Rubiaceae (coffee family)


Tiaré mini is the smaller version of the Tahitian gardenia, Tiaré . It is also known as Dwarf tiaré gardenia. The plant originates from Melanesia and Western Polynesia. Native to the highland shores of the South Pacific, it has the distinction of being one of the few cultivated plants native to Polynesia.

Tiaré mini is an evergreen tropical shrub that grows to 4 feet tall. The leaves congest near the upper portion of the woody stem. They are waxy dark green in color and oppositely arranged. The 1 inch flower is fragrant, creamy white and pinwheel-shaped with 5 to 9 petals.

Tiaré mini is drought tolerant and fares well in tropical conditions. It blooms late in the spring and summer.

Traditional Cultural and Medicinal Usages

  • The flower has been used to relieve earaches, headaches and different forms of eczema
  • Floral perfume

