
Plantago major

Plantaginaceae (plantain family)


Laukahi is also known as the Common plantain and Ribwort plantain. It is native to Europe and tropical parts of Asia. In the Hawaiian language, the term means "single leaf." Other names for this plant include: Breitwegerich (Germany), Mo noi (Thailand), Ch'e-ch'ien (China) and Tanchagem-maior (Portugal).

Laukahi is an edible perennial plant that grows close to the earth. There are two species of Laukahi. The male form (Plantago major) is broad-leafed with oval shaped green leaves that grow in a rosette pattern. The leaves can grow around 5" in width. The flowers grow on a narrow stalk that has purple colored antlers with sticky seeds. The female form (Plantago lanceolata) has long, narrow-leaves that can grow about 7" in length. Both species are stemless with a coarse texture and prominent veins.

Laukahi can be found growing on the wayside along trails and in most environments.

Traditional Cultural and Medicinal Usages

  • Leaves can be used as a poultice for boils, sprains, bruises, broken bones, and torn muscles
  • Seeds can be used to assist digestive disorders
  • Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-venom