He`e tree

Schefflera actinophylla

Araliaceae (ginseng family)


The He`e is also known as the Octopus Tree, Ivy Palm, Schefflera or Umbrella Tree. It is native to Queensland, New Guinea and Java. It is also synonymous with Brassaia actinophylla. In the Hawaiian language, one of the meanings of he`e is "octopus."

This perennial evergreen can grow in bush form, or as a tree up to 40' tall. The brown trunk is slender and woody. The long, oval, palmate leaves are shiny green in color on both the top and bottom. They are coarse in texture and held on stalks which can hold between 5 to 18 leaflets that radiate out like the ribs of an umbrella. Each leaflet can grow up to 12" in length. He`e trees flower in the summer. The greenish pink flowers look like knotted balls that later turn to red. Dark purple-black fruits follow the flowering. These flowers and fruits line spikes that look like an octopus.

He`e trees prefer partial sunlight. Indoor He`e bushes do not flower.

Traditional Cultural and Medicinal Usages

  • Red berries of the He`e were used in the making of lei
  • He`e fruit is eaten by birds, although found toxic to rats. No studies have been done on toxicity to humans
  • Note: Contact with the sap may cause dermatitis