Labour Market Information

Labour Market Information (LMI) helps us to prepare for the jobs that will be available in the future. Some industries will be hugely impacted by the advances in technology, with lots of current jobs no longer existing. In contrast, other industries may flourish with many new jobs becoming available due to those same advancements. 

History is full of jobs that no longer exist in the modern world, including 'lamp lighters', 'chimney sweeps', and 'knocker ups'. As the future influential women of the world, we want all of our students to be prepared for what the future job market will look like. We use the LMI to help us to do this. 

For example, In CIPD's Autumn 2023 Labour Market report, they highlighted the sectors in which employers were struggling to recruit.  As in previous Labour Market Outlook reports, healthcare (43%), education (37%), and public administration and other public sector (37%) are all anticipating significant problems in filling vacancies in the next six months. 

Reports like these help us to provide opportunities and experiences that will enhance your probability of employment, help you to pursue careers with gaps in the industry, and help employers to 'fill those gaps'.