Yvette Cendes

Yvette Cendes is a second year postdoctoral fellow, specializing in radio signals from cosmic explosions (like supernovae, or tidal disruption events where a black hole rips apart a star). She also is known as /u/Andromeda321 on Reddit, where her "astronomer here!" comments are read by millions of people, and has written for publications like Astronomy, Discover, and Scientific American.

Super Nova 1987A

About Yvette's Cosmic Creations

I am an avid cross stitcher, and while I work on many different projects I also do a lot of astronomy-themed ones. Many are literally data sets from my own work (like the Swift J1644+57 and SN 1987A ones), some are my own pattern (like the pulsar plot hoop), and some are patterns I find on Etsy and stitch myself (like the Saturn V). My work was even featured in Physics magazine! See: https://physics.aps.org/articles/v13/173