Using the CKCs in Reflective Practice

The Connecticut Core Knowledge and Competency Framework for Professionals Working with Young Children and Their Families guide our reflections about our own practice. Just as we have the CT ELDS that guide our practice by stating what children should know and be able to do, the CKCs guide us by stating what early childhood professionals should know and be able to do. 

The CKCs provide us the opportunity to reflect on our strengths as professionals and consider what areas we want to continue our professional growth. This step by step guide has been created to help you do just that. 


This simple online tool  can walk you through reflecting on your practice using the CKCs and beginning to think about what your goals are for your continued growth as an early childhood professional. 

If you prefer to do this in written form, you can download the reflection tool from the OEC website here

Individual Professional Development Plans

As an early childhood professional, you are always growing and developing your practice. To guide this growth and development, it is recommended that you have an Individual Professional Development Plan. This plan is simply a way for you to make a plan to focus on your goals for yourself as a professional and what steps you are going to take to continue your growth. Here is a sample IPDP form you can use or you can create your own.