
Discord is the platform we use to communicate important information about the season, future seasons, specific games, rules and regulations, game setup, scrimmages, and so much more. See the below tutorials on how to use Discord. For those extremely unfamiliar with Discord please look at the "Discord for beginners" video. If you'd like to see more information or changes please contact me jschwingle@cesa10.org. I too am new to Discord, so this page is subject to change and update.

Discord for Beginners

As stated above, Discord is our primary communication platform for the WIHSEA. As a coach/GM you will need to become familiar with the basics of Discord, so you can communicate between other schools and for questions and support. Follow the instructions in the video to get started.

On Day 3 of the WIHSEA coaching clinic we discuss Discord and how to use it. This video goes a little more in-depth on how to use it beyond the basics.