Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Lesson 1

Types of Animals

Science Concepts-

  • What animals need in order to live and grow


Oxygen - A gas that all living things need and that plants give off into the air.

Chapter 3: Lesson 2

What Are Vertebrates?

Science Concepts-

  • That animals with a backbone are grouped by traits


Amphibian- A type of vertebrate that has moist skin, begins its life in water with gills, and develops lungs as an adult to live on land.

Bird- An animal with a backbone.

Fish- A type of vertebrate that breathes through gills and spends its life in water.

Mammal- A type of vertebrate that has hair or fur and feeds its young with milk from the mother; most mammals give birth to live young.

Reptile- A type of vertebrate that has dry skin covered with scales.

Vertebrate- An animal with a backbone.

Chapter 3: Lesson 3

What Are Invertebrates?

Science Concepts-

  • That animals without a backbone are grouped by traits


Invertebrate- An animal without a backbone.