A Tree is Growing

Lesson 18

A Tree Is Growing


by Arthur Dorros --- illustrated by S.D. Schindler

*Access Student Book 2 start on pg. 92


passages - narrow paths or channels

spines – sharp, points growths

tropical – having to do with the warm areas of the Earth near the equator

store – to put away for later use

throughout – all the way through

absorb – take in or soak up

dissolve – to seem to disappear when mixed with liquid

clumps – groups or bunches of things, especially plants and dirt

coverings - the outsides of things, usually serving as protection

pollen - tiny yellow grains made by flowering plants

Skills & Strategies

Vocabulary Strategy: Categorize and classify

Phonics Skills: Words with /k/ and /kw/

Comprehension Skills: Text and graphic features -- tell how words and photos work together

Comprehension Strategy: Question -- ask questions before you read, while you read, and after you read
