Greetings and welcome to 4th Grade at Todd Lane Elementary School - Room C213! I am looking forward to getting to know your child personally, as well as creating a strong working relationship with you, the parent. It is through this relationship and communication that we can ensure the greatest possible success for your child. 

This webpage includes important classroom information, our class schedule, helpful links, and Scholastic Book Order access. Additionally, you will find resources for Math, Science, and Social Studies. 

The Todd Lane Elementary 4th Grade is departmentalized. Your child will have 2 academic teachers. I will instruct your child in Math and Science/Social Studies. Your child will switch to Mrs. Mumaw's Class for English Language Arts. 

Regarding homework expectations, I believe that regular practice is vital to reinforce what we learn in class. Homework will be assigned on a daily basis, and students are expected to complete it with diligence. I encourage you to assist your child in establishing a consistent homework routine, ensuring that they allocate sufficient time to review and complete assignments. Additionally, please check the daily agenda in SHOWBIE each night to confirm that all assignments are completed and to stay informed about upcoming quizzes. I kindly ask for your signature on the agenda once homework is completed.

Important Information

    4rd Grade Supply List

Mrs. Barson's Homeroom: HKAAC

Mrs. Mumaw's Homeroom: BBHTB

***Please have your child sign-in through their school issued GOOGLE Account (not a personal email account from home).***

Last Name, First 3 letters of first name

(For Example:


Stay connected with our your child and our class by signing up for CLASSDOJO! If you have not received a message to join CLASSDOJO, please message me. 

Library Book Exchange 

*Students can exchange books from 9:05 - 9:15 on Days A-D AND 9:05 -10:45 on Day E

Accelerated Reader

In order for your child to meet his/her AR goal, they must reach their point goal in addition to having an 80% or higher average on their AR Comprehension Quizzes. Need to check if a book is an AR Book?  Click on the AR Bookfinder image to find out. 

Mrs. Barson's Class Calendar