Young Thomas Edison

Lesson 10

Young Thomas Edison


written and illustrated by Michael Dooling

*Access Student Book start on pg. 358


invention - an original device, system, or process

experiment - a test to find out or prove something

laboratory - a place where scientists work and do experiments

genius - extraordinary intellectual power, especially seen in creative ability

gadget - a small, useful machine or device

electric - powered by electricity, a form of energy caused by the motion of electrons and protons

signal - a sound, motion, or other sign that sends a message

occasional - happening from time to time

Skills & Strategies

Vocabulary Strategy: Shades of Meaning

Even words with very similar meanings can mean different things depending on how they are used. These differences are called Shades of Meaning.


Edison suspected he could improve the telegraph. Edison believed he could improve the telegraph.

Phonics Skills: Words with au, aw, al, o

Comprehension Skills: Main ideas and details

The most important ideas in a text are the main ideas. Authors use main ideas to organize the information in a text. Authors use details to support the main ideas. In a biography, the details will add more information about a person's life.

Comprehension Strategy: Summarize -- tell the important parts of the text in your own words
