Parent Support

Reflecting back a little more than a decade ago, your child's development was much easier to observe and understand. They quickly reached major milestones in their development; eating solid foods, taking their first steps, speaking their first words. Those early years of development had their trials and tribulations, but they have also given you some of life's most precious memories. As a result of your perseverance and dedication, you realized that with time and a lot of patience, meeting your child's basic needs wasn't as monumental a task as you thought.

Now that your child has entered their adolescence, meeting their needs has become far more challenging and complex. They are focusing on establishing a number of skills needed to become healthy, independent adults. They spend a tremendous amount of time developing their inter-psyche by establishing relationships with others, because it is in our nature to feel accepted by others. This process consumes and extraordinary amount of their time and energy. Through the development of their inter-psyche, they also begin to refine their spirituality, values, and beliefs. This development will aid them in making good decisions later, and ultimately lead them to a healthier, more fulfilling life. During this process, your child may seek refuge from others, and challenge you on occasion. Although it may leave you frustrated or feeling unappreciated, this is a normal part of the developmental process.

Teens are very busy individuals. Between their school day, extracurricular activities, homework, and social life, they quickly need to learn the skills to help them balance their responsibilities. As the parent of an adolescent, you play a vital role in developing these skills. The most influential way to help them achieve this is by balancing your own life; teens learn the most from watching what you do, not by doing what you say. As they say, "Actions speak louder than words". We must also understand that teens learn through their mistakes, and that these mistakes are not always a reflection of you. Mistakes are inevitable, so be sure to make yourself available when they occur. Though you may want to jump in and solve a problem for your child, it is important for your teen to learn how to navigate dilemmas and learn their individual responsibility.

Parents must maintain their role as guardian, offering support and guidance through the middle and high school years. The foundation for strengthening this type of relationship with your teen is communication. Establishing an atmosphere of trust and emotional security, no matter the topic, will help strengthen your relationship. The following guidelines will help to foster a secure and trusting relationship:

  • Give more independence, when appropriate;

  • Establish clear boundaries;

  • Enforce rules, and determine appropriate consequences for breaking those rules;

  • Praise positive behavior and good choices;

  • Keep criticism and demeaning comments to a minimum;

  • Respect your teen's need for privacy; and

  • Encourage your teen to make their own decisions as they mature.

The Guidance Department is available to support you and your teen throughout their time at Central Regional. Guidance Counselors may be able to offer some suggestions to help you, and can reinforce your efforts at home in the school setting.

Helpful Links

Developmental Milestones: Young Teens (12-14), Teenagers (15-17)

NJ Parent Link