Instructional Strategies

This section contains a growing list of resources for various instructional strategies.

Classroom Discussion Ideas

Give 1 Get 1

Give 1 Get 1

Give 1 Get 1 asks students to write their response to a question, statement, etc. Then they circulate the room and "get 1" response from another student.

Hexagonal Thinking

This is a great strategy to activate higher level thinking among your students. Adaptable for digital experience as well. click on the picture to read about it.

4 Square

4 Square

A simple way to get students to put down their thoughts about a particular reading, discussion, viewing. Adaptable for any content area, any level.

Civil Discourse Squares

Civil Discourse

The premise of this activity is for students to write their responses to whatever question, prompt, or statement you provide. They first write what they think, then they listen to each other’s response only writing down what the other person says. They then decide if their answer changes in anyway after listening to others’ opinions and WHY.

Copy of Visible Thinking Routines in An Infused Classroom

Visible Thinking Routines

This is an awesome resource of a many strategies, how it works and when to use it! Supported by Harvard's School of Education. Check out their website!



Thoughts, Questions, Epiphanies gets students to reflect on their reading so they are ready for discussion.