Painting 1


9x12, Acrylic, 2019

The style of my my painting I would say is Surreal because of the mysterious mood that is has with the only animal being blacked out and the only light coming from the stars. The only symbolism I put in here really is the wolf representing my dog Nyla because she looks like a wolf. If I could start over, I would probably change the background to add the Northern lights or maybe a moon to give the background a little more life. What I love about it is just the way it looks, the way the blacked out wolf and cliff compare to the lighter blue background and how the blue background gets darker as it moves up the painting.

Stetson Roling “Horizon”

12x18, Acrylic, 2019

I would say that the style of this painting is Surreal because it doesn’t look realistic enough to be realism so surreal is the best option. There really is no iconography or symbolism because I just saw a sunset and wanted to do one of my own. If I started over I think that I would change the sun to make it better or the blacked out birds and land to make them something different, but overall I love the overall look of the painting I’m really proud of the way it turned out.