Ceramics 1

Stetson Roling “Howl”

6.5 In, Hand sculpting Clay, 2019

I believe that this sculpture is surreal because it’s almost realistic but not quite. I had a hard time with this one getting everything formed and ready and I knew I wanted to do from the very start I wanted to make a wolf since that is my favorite animal so I started forming everything starting with the body. If I could change things if I started over I definitely would I would change in making sure the parts didn’t fall off like they did, that’s the main thing I would change. I love the way it looks overall I just really wish that the parts didn’t fall off then it would be perfect.

Stetson Roling “Utilitarian Set”

4.5 In each, Hand Sculpting Clay, 2016

My style of the sculptures is Utilitarian because it is used for something not just for looks. These didn’t take as long as the wolf because I spent many days of class on that, I had the ideas for these, right away I know I wanted to do a vase like and a cup holders. If I had to start over, I would probably change the shape of the sculptures if I could to make them more complex rather than how simple they are right now. I love the glaze I chose for them I love the color and even though the glaze on one of them isn’t on all the way I actually like the way it looks makes it look more rustic.

Stetson, Caleb, and Clayten “Airplane”

Stop motion video, 2019

The style of this is realistic because we tried to make it look realistic but that’s difficult because its stop motion. We went through many ideas when doing this at first, we were going to have it be taking off from a hangar then we were going to do a flappy bird parody but then we decided to just have it in the air already and do flips because that would be the easiest to manage. If I could change something it would be the whole idea of the video itself, I would want to do one of the old ideas we had like it taking off from a hangar. I like the way it turned out when all of the pictures were put together into the final product
