Drawing I

We Are Not Gods (Kingmaker)

18in x 12in, Pencil on paper, 2019

This drawing is surrealism, as I worked with aspects that could be considered “realist” and wove them into scenarios that were more symbolic.

There are three main pieces to this work: the computer chip, the head, and the chain. The computer chip could represent technology and its expanse, hence the chip’s expanding in every direction. The head has fractures at two points: one from the chain and another starting at the center of the face.

If I could start over, I would probably make the chain links more even.

I really like the way the head came out. It teeters right on the edge of recognizability as human in a way that I think fits the piece very well.


Print, 2019

This was a print for a t-shirt, so I didn't really focus so much on anything.

"The White Sands"

I’d say this piece falls pretty solidly in the lands of surrealism. The creature in the distance is recurring from my first piece, titled “We Are Not Gods”, but this time with a halo. It is the same color as the ground on which it walks. In a similar way, the cloaked figure at the forefront is of the same color as the cube in the background.

If I could start over, I would change the color scheme. I really enjoy the it shows movement while also feeling very stagnant, like there’s a limited amount of time, but there’s no reason to care.