Wilson C Riles Middle School

Wilson C. Riles GATE Coordinator: Jennifer Law - jlaw@centerusd.org

Academy Teachers:

Wilson C. Riles Middle School hosts an active GATE program that includes a 7th - 8th-grade GATE Academy as well as many enrichment opportunities. Students identified as gifted are given the opportunity to be placed in GATE Academy classes. These classes move at a faster pace as well as utilize the concepts of depth and complexity to provide a challenging academic opportunity for students.

W.C. Riles provides students with multiple enrichment activities throughout the year. This year those opportunities included 3 field trips (the Walt Disney Museum in San Francisco, San Jose Museum of Technology and Innovation, and the Mondavi Center at U.C. Davis to see a dance production) and the opportunity to participate for the first time in a video production club. Students were given the ability to work with the latest technology in creating and producing videos to compete in the Sacramento Educational Cable Consortium's SEVA Awards. In order to get this new enrichment opportunity up-and-running, the school applied for and won a grant that provided them with 6 camera kits which include tripods and microphones. Though they did not win any awards their first year out, the student producers involved did submit 4 strong entries to the competition. Mrs. Law plans on expanding the program next year and hopes to receive another grant that will enable them to purchase several iMac's with video production programs.

On May 8 from 2:00 - 4:30, the GATE science classes will be hosting their second science fair. The public is invited to attend the science fair and see what these bright and creative students have produced.