North Country Elementary School

North Country GATE Coordinator: Kim Tricomo -

North Country's GATE program offers identified students the opportunity to participate in an active enrichment program. Students participating in the program have the ability to work with the latest technology in creating and producing videos to compete in the Sacramento Educational Cable Consortium's SEVA Awards. Students at North Country have competed for SEVA awards for many years.

Below our the Honorable Mentions received by North Country student producers at the 2017 SECC SEVA awards.

Think Win-Win

SEVA 2017 Honorable Mention

Public Service Announcement (PSA): K-3

Program Title: Think Win-Win

Producers: Wyatt Countryman, Gabriel Haggan, and Jeremiah Yao

School: North Country Elementary School

Target Audience: Kids that go to school.

Program Idea: This is about Think Win-Win, which is part of the 7 Habits that our school is focusing on.

Message: When other kids are sad, or even adults you should cheer them up. Even when they are your friends or not.

North Country’s Walk-a-Thon

SEVA Honorable Mention

School News: K-3

Program Title: North Country’s Walk-a-Thon

Producers: Tessa Treadwell

School: North Country Elementary School

Target Audience: Students and families at our school.

Program Idea: We have a walk-a-thon every year that’s really fun, so I thought it would be a good idea for a school news project.

Message: Being active helps you Sharpen the Saw, and helps you get fit and happy.