Oak Hill Elementary School

Oak Hill GATE Coordinator: Katie Edwards - kedwards@centerusd.org

Oak Hill Elementary School hosts an active GATE program that includes a 4th - 6th-grade GATE dedicated before-school program. All identified student have the opportunity to participate in the weekly before school extracurricular program. One of the biggest draws of the program is the ability to work with the latest technology in creating and producing videos to compete in the Sacramento Educational Cable Consortium's SEVA Awards.  

Several Oak Hill Student Producers won Honorable Mentions at the 2017 SEVA Awards. See their winning videos below.

How to Swim the Butterfly Stroke

SEVA 2017 Honorable Mention

Instructional: 4-6

Program Title: How to Swim the Butterfly Stroke

Producers: Alaina Bazo

School: Oak Hill Elementary School

Target Audience: Inexperienced swimmers and people who want to learn more about the butterfly stroke.

Program Idea: I have swam for more than five years, and I love it! The butterfly has always been my favorite stroke, and I wanted to have more people know and learn about it … so I decided to do a “how to” video on it.

Message: Swimming is fun and the butterfly is something you can do. Just keep trying! The butterfly may look hard, but it is really easy.

How to Make a California Salt Dough Map

SEVA 2017 Honorable Mention

Instructional: 4-6

Program Title: How to Make a California Salt Dough Map

Producers: Jennifer Gavrilyuk, Jaina Knight, Rickie Whitmore

School: Oak Hill Elementary School

Target Audience: Anyone interested in making salt dough for projects

Program Idea: We made salt dough maps in our 4th grade class, and they were super fun. It is educational and fun at the same time!

Message: Following a recipe for making dough and learning the four regions of California