Writing   Teaching & Learning Modules

Applying Curriculum Knowledge to Practice in Writing

Intended Outcomes

Participants will understand that:

Writing: Applying Curriculum Knowledge in Writing
Implementation Guide_ Applying Curriculum Knowledge to Practice in Writing.docx.pdf

Implementation Guide

Using Mentor Texts in the Classroom 

Intended Outcomes

Participants will understand that:

Mentor Texts Module

Using Multimodal Texts in the Classroom

Intended Outcomes

Multimodal Texts Module

Teaching approaches for Reading and Writing -  The Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR) Model 

Intended Outcomes

Teachers and leaders will:

What do we want teachers to know?

What do we want teachers to be able to do?

Teaching approaches for reading and writing_GRR
Implementation Guide_ Teaching approaches for Reading and Writing - The Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR) Model.docx.pdf

Implementation Guide

Planning and Enacting High Quality Literacy Learning with EAL Students 

Intended Outcomes

Participants will:

Planning and enacting high quality literacy learning with EAL students: Pathways to Improved Literacy
Implementation Guide_ Planning and enacting high quality literacy learning with EAL students .docx.pdf

Implementation Guide

Assessing Writing in the Classroom

Intended Outcomes

Teachers and leaders will:

Writing: Assessing Writing in the Classroom
Implementation Guide_ Assessing Writing in the Classroom.docx.pdf

Implementation Guide

Enacting a Culture of Writing

Intended Outcomes

To develop:

Writing: Enacting a Culture of Writing