BZ Inspires and demands extraordinary effort which requires an attitude of humility, clarity of purpose, and exceptional discipline.


1. A Biblical Worldview

Our world is ever changing; thus, it is vital you have a foundation that will not change. A biblical worldview answers who you are, whose you are, why you exist, and what is expected of you (Romans 12).

2. Leadership

Leadership is the ability to steward one’s God-given gifts, abilities, and opportunities. Many are willing to serve but the BZ Ethos inspires you to seek to serve.

3. The Dignity of all Humans

The BZ Ethos demands that you respect the dignity of every human life because we are all created in the image of God (Genesis 1 & 2). Dignity is love and it requires hard work grounded in truth.



Attitude: The foundation of BZ Ethos. It provides focus and perspective. You may not be able to control situations, but you can control your attitude.

Clarity: Clarity must be sought, provided, and ensured. It requires mutual responsibility and personal accountability and it provides direction. True clarity is the result of an attitude of humility.

Discipline: Discipline is the result of an attitude of humility and clarity of purpose. It provides you with the opportunity to practice having a biblical worldview, demonstrating leadership, and showing dignity to others.


Entremanureship is the work before the work. It is the deep, behind the scenes work that needs to be done before the public work. It produces creativity and growth. It is necessary but often overlooked. It will have an effect on the individual, the individual’s role, and the team.

BZ Levels

Awareness is the basic head knowledge of the facts, processes, or procedures. Buy-in is the head and heart knowledge that requires you to accept the facts, processes, or procedures. The final level is ownership which requires you to take personal responsibility for the facts, processes, or procedures.


BZ Process

WHO: Your personal identity, your story. The who is the team’s identity and differentiates the team from other teams.

WHY: Your why is your purpose; the reason you exist. The team’s why is its purpose or its mission.

WHAT: Your expectations and your personal preparation. The team’s what describes the team’s expectations.

HOW: Your performance. The team’s how is how the team performs and serves.

BZ Alignment

Individual - Team

  • How do the values of the individual match the values of the team?
  • Is the team a good fit for the individual?
  • Is the individual a good fit for the team?
  • Does the individual seek clarity and direction?
  • Does the team provide adequate opportunities for personal training and development?
  • Is the individual bought into the team and the team’s culture?
  • Does the team value its team members?
  • Does the team know the dreams and goals of the individual?

Individual - Role

  • Does the individual understand their role and responsibilities?
  • Does the role provide intrinsic and extrinsic value for the individual?
  • Is the role clearly defined and communicated to the individual?
  • Does the individual accept their role and responsibilities?
  • Is the role a good fit for the individual?
  • Is the individual a good fit for the role?
  • Does the role help the individual fulfill their goals and dreams?

Team - Role

  • Does the team have a clear and understandable structure?
  • Does the team hold to the established structure?
  • Does the team provide the resources and structure for the roles to be accomplished?
  • Are the different roles recognized and celebrated by the team?
  • Does the role benefit and build the team?
  • Is the role understood, accepted, and celebrated by other team members?

BZ Customer Experience

Campus Experience is the ongoing effort to know and live the team's mission as well as know, educate, and serve the team's customers.

CX Insight - The Picture

1. Needs

2. Wants

3. Attitudes (Feelings)

4. Perceptions (Thoughts)

CX Approach - Desired Outcomes

1. Think

2. Feel

3. Respond


All three of these areas are vital and must work together to provide an exceptional and holistic customer experience. The first element is the people who are doing the serving – your team – and the people you are seeking to serve. The second element is place. The place is powerful and it must communicate the Desired Customer Outcomes. The process is not seen by the external customer but it is seen by the internal customer. The process must communicate the values of the team as well as seek to know, educate, and serve the customer.

Open to Change & Growth

Wrestle with Ideas & Concepts

Never Compromise the Important

Involve Others

Total Commitment

Perfection is a myth. Understanding that perfection is a myth equips you with the ability to recover from a situation. The Recovery Mindset requires awareness of the situation so you have a foundation for critical thought, creativity, and innovation with the goal of seeking to serve others.


BZ Ethos inspires and demands extraordinary effort which requires an attitude of humility, clarity of purpose, and exceptional discipline.