Movie Club


The main purpose of the Movie Elective is to analyze the message the movie wants to convey.

What we've done

During The Movie Club elective we have learnt about the importance of film. Movies have always had a massive influence on society and are a great way to communicate ideas, beliefs and lessons. They also educate people on events that have taken place throughout history. We would like to share what we have learnt through watching and analysing movies.

La Vita È Bella (Life Is Beautiful)

Life is Beautiful also known as La Vita è Bella is an Italian movie directed by Roberto Benigni. It is about a Jewish waiter named Guido who meets a school teacher named Dora. Soon enough Dora falls in love with him because of his charm and humor. They have a son named Giouse and soon after, Guido and Giouse get taken to a concentration camp and get separated from Dora. Guido tries to conceal the truth about the concentration camp to Giouse by pretending it's a game and there is a legendary prize waiting for him; A tank.

I learned that preservation of innocence is very important to children and that you do the best you can to protect your family. I also became aware of the severe conditions the jews had to withstand as well as the challenges you would have faced during World War 2.

-Kassidy James

The Impossible

The Impossible directed by J.A Bayona is a true story about Maria Belon and her family. In December 2004 the day after Christmas, a Tsunami hits Indonesia while Maria and her family are on vacation. Maria and her son Lucas get separated from Henry, her husband and their two other sons Simon and Thomas. They go through their darkest moments, but with help of loving gestures from others they are able to reunite again.

I learned about the hardships and fears families face after natural disasters. The suffering and pain you feel knowing that you might never see your loved ones again. Something nobody would ever want to go through.

-Skye-lar Potter

The Bucket List

The Bucket List, directed by Rob Reiner, is about two men. A mechanic, Carter Chambers and a billionaire Edward Cole. They are complete strangers and have only one thing in common; cancer. The two have to come to terms with the limited time they have left. Just like many others, when near death, it was then that they saw their lives flash before them. Carter decides to create a bucket list which he shares with Edward. Then completely against their doctor’s advice, they leave the hospital and go on their adventure to finish the tasks on the list.

The Bucket List taught me about many things important in life. The main lessons that I learnt were:

  1. You should enjoy life to the fullest

  2. Always be grateful for what you have

  3. Take risks

  4. Take advantage of every opportunity given to you

-Khalia Sergeant

Charlie and The Chocolate Factory

Directed by Tim Burton, Charlie and the Chocolate factory is a movie about an impoverished, young boy who wins a tour of Mr Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. It has been closed for many years and he has decided to finally reopen it to five children. In order to win a tour Five golden tickets were sent out in five Wonka bars. This caused complete mayhem with all the children buying hundreds of chocolate bars. At the end of the tour one lucky child was chosen, they would be the new owners of the factory. Charlie being the humblest of them all easily wins but denies Willy Wonka’s request because he cannot bring his family with him. It is soon revealed that Willy Wonka had issues with his family that caused him to envy Charlie. Once Charlie showed him the importance of family they all live in the factory together

What I learnt from this story is that you should never give up your family for anything and cherish your loved ones. Also Charlie was very poor, yet he ended up owning a massive chocolate factory. This taught me that no matter the situation you are in, things can turn around for you.

-Noe Doux LaPlace

The Contagion

We are currently watching the movie The Contagion. It is directed Steven Soderbergh It focuses on a woman named Beth Emhoff who returns to Minnesota after a trip to Hong Kong and during her travels, she became ill and thought it was just jet lag. After two days Beth died and the doctors told her husband (Mitch Emhoff) that the cause of her death was unknown. Shortly after, many people started to show similar symptoms, and they too died a day afterwards. This disease starts triggering an epidemic. While the US Centres for Disease control struggles to maintain the virus, society collapses. Rumours are spread, riots are held and (so far) there is no vaccine.

This movie showed me the challenges and the panic that society can fall into, it heavily relates to today’s issues surrounding COVID-19. I learned that even small actions make an impact on society. In The Contagion life went on, there was not much social distancing, masks or sanitisation and therefore the disease spread instantly.

-Stephanie Reblora