The Boycott of Jewish Buisness

On this page, you will learn about the first nationwide planned attack on German Jewish people which is also know as The Boycott of Jewish Businesses. You will also get a little insight on how life was before the boycott.

In the beginning, the Jews were proud to be a German citizens. They were proud to be apart of a country that birthed many great poets, artists, and musicians. Many German Jews had served in World War 1 and many were decorated for bravery. There was a lot of good happening in Germany with people winning Noble Prizes and marriage between Jews and non-Jews were becoming more common. Most Jews were confident in there future as a German.

This is a picture of Ludwig van Beethoven who is a famous musician from Germany.

Then Hitler and the Nazis came to power and everything changed. On April 1, 1933, the Nazis carried out the first nationwide planned action against Jews, The Boycott of Jewish Business. On the day of the boycott, Storm Troopers stood outside of Jewish-owned shops. They painted the "Star of David", which is a six-pointed star, in yellow and black across thousands of door and windows. Signs were put up saying things like "Don't Buy form Jews" and "The Jews are Our Misfortune". Nazi spokesmen said, "The boycott was an act of revenge against both German Jews and foreigners, including US and English journalists, who had criticized the Nazi regime," (The Boycott of Jewish Businesses). The Boycott officially lasted all but one day, however, it continued in many localities and was considered the beginning of a nationwide campaign by the Nazi party against the entire German Jewish population.

Jude or Jew and the Star of David were pained on windows of Jewish owned shops on the day of the Boycott.

People are marching in the streets with signs on the day of the Boycott saying "Buy not in Jews. Buy in German Shadows." Basically saying don't buy from Jews, buy from Germans.