Other Liberties

On this page, you will learn about other liberties the German Jewish people had taken away. The number of things he took away was INSANE!

In 1933, all non- "Aryan" people were fired from government jobs including public school teachers, university professors, doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. Pretty much anyone who had a government job of any kind was fired.

Also Jews could no longer be employed at radio stations and theaters.

Jews couldn't sell artwork of any kind and all books written by Jews were burned.

Germans "hailing Hitler" while a bunch of Jewish books are being burned.

In 1935, the Nazis took over Jewish life too. Marriage and intimate relationships between Jews and those of "Aryan" blood was considered illegal.

Jews could no longer wave the Reich flag or display its colors.

Reich flag.

In 1938, the Reich Supreme Court, said that being a Jew called for being dismissed from jobs of every kind. Also Jewish-owned businesses were banned.

Jews could no longer attend plays or concerts.

Jews couldn't have phones, drivers licenses, or car registrations.

By this time very few Jewish children remained in German schools and the Jews had a curfew.

These are just a few things that got taken away. There was a lot more.

This picture represents that there were many places that had signs that said no Jews allowed.

A Jewish women sitting on a bench that says "Only for Jews".