Nuremberg Race Laws

On this page, you will learn about what the Nuremberg Race Laws were and how they effected people.

The Nuremberg Race Laws did not allow people of the Jewish race to be part of the Reich citizenship. They also prohibited the Jews from having sexual relations with those of "German or related blood." The laws didn't define a Jew as a person with curtain religious beliefs but as a person who had Jewish relations within there family. This means that the didn't care what religion you were. If you had three or four Jewish Grandparents, you too were considered Jewish. Therefore many people who hadn't practiced Judaism in a long time, still found themselves caught up in Nazi terror.

This chart was used to explain to Germans how the Nuremberg Laws worked. White circles represent Aryan Germans, black circles represent Jews, and half black half white circles represent "mixed raced".

This is an English translated version of the Nuremberg Laws.