Have Fun (Gr.2-5)

Physical Challenge
Book balance and wacky relay challenge

Host a Variety Show
Kids love performing so give them a stage

Play Charades
Have family fun with this age old classic

Treasure Island Logic
Use the clues to solve the mystery and locate the treasure

Treasure Hunt
Make a treasure hunt in your house. Challenge your family. Will you create a map?

Most Ridiculous
Outfit Challenge

Get ready to get silly

Learn a Magic Trick
Impress your family with this clever trick

Old Maid or Go Fish
Play these 2 classic card games

Tongue Twisters
Challenge yourself to say these 5 times fast

Clock Patience
Learn to play this fun card game

Grab your favourite microphone
It's time to sing

Be a Rap Star
Write an original rap song and perform it for family members after dinner

Learn to Beatbox
1 Min Tutorial

Elastics Game
Have some fun with this blast from the past game

Sneaky Alphabet
Write and decode secret messages