Appreciate (Gr.2-5)

Hug Hope
Watch this beautiful video and make a list of people you can't wait to hug

Be Present & Grateful
Marvel in the wonder of Mother Nature

Rock Balancing
Be in awe of Michael Grab, then go out and try it for yourself

Appreciate Music
Listen to this popular song and appreciate the work it took to make it

Connection Cubes
Roll the dice and focus on the positives

Photo Sharing Time
Everyone in the family choose 5 photos from last year and reminisce about the best times.

Gratitude Letter
Tell someone how much they are appreciated. A friend, a relative, a teacher or community member

Be in Awe of Ants
How can ants hang and walk upside down? Watch here and be amazed!

Virtual Zoo
Visit the famous San Diego Zoo

Appreciate Music
Listen to Ms. Benusa’s Classic Rock playlist, sing along and choose your very favourite song

Be a Tourist
Take a neighbourhood walk and see it with new eyes

I Love ME
Write down all the things YOU like about yourself.

Appreciate Earth
Go on a virtual hike of Bryce Canyon, watch a while, skip ahead, enjoy all the views.

Grateful- A Love Song
Raise your arms high and dance with your family! Be Grateful for all you have

TEDed Earth School
Appreciate Earth on this 30 Day Challenge

Friendship Poem
Write acrostic poems about friendship or use a friend's name as the root of the poem