Have Fun (Early Years to Gr.1)

Build a Fort
Be inspired by Ms. Fiona to build an awesome fort

Blow Bubbles
Have fun and de-stress with this simple,
time-tested fun

Object Sorting
Kids love sorting, what fun objects will you find to sort

Make Playdough
Follow this tried and tested recipe with Ms. Rendall

1, 2, Out Goes You
Enjoy this fun rhyming game

Most Ridiculous
Outfit Challenge

Get ready to get silly

Pick up Sticks
Play this classic game

Take a bubble bath!!
Bonus: Crazy bubble hair-do challenge

Mock Camping Trip
Use a play tent, flash lights and blankets
Model a fire, sing camp songs and 'roast' marshmallows

Superhero Yourself! What would your superpower be? What would your costume look like?
Draw a picture

Pasta Art
Not just for eating, use this edible material for awesome art

Cloud Dough
Make a neat alternative to play dough and have some sensory fun