Be Kind (Gr.2-5)

Blessings Bags
Make some care packages for others

Save 4 Special Cause
What will you do with your spare change?

Kindness Colouring
It is cool to be kind

Build a Bird Feeder
Make a Bird Feeder from a plastic bottle

Call Them by Name
Help others feel valued. Learn the names of your receptionist, security guard and custodians

Spread Chalk Cheer
Using sidewalk chalk, draw rainbows, smiley faces or bright geometric art to bring joy to all who see

Kindness Challenge
Can you complete these 5 acts of kindness

Gift a Book
Buy 2 books, send 1 to your friend and agree to swap after reading. Kind for your friend AND mother nature!

One Kind Word
A kind word can change an entire day. Pay a compliment to someone and see the smile on their face!

Cheerful Art
Make a cheerful, brightly coloured poster and hang it on a neighbour's front door.

Some Good News
Be inspired by this kindness and build your faith and hope in humanity

Kindness Boomerang
Watch as the camera tracks an act of kindness.

List of Love
What if someone handed you a list of things they love about you? Make someone else feel great. Send them a list of all the things you love about them.

Joy & Heron
Watch this video. Think of something that you do that is kind.

Declutter Your Space
Re-purpose, re-gift or donate unwanted items, give them a new life

Secret Lunch
Pack a lunch for mom or dad, add a special note

Pay it Forward
Kindness leads to kindness, try it out