Painting 2

Taylor Veach “My angel”

16x20, Acrylic, 2021

I have wanted to paint or draw something that symbolizes my dad and our relationship. The song I wrote behind the picture as a background was a song that played at his funeral and reminds me of him. First I painted us and realized the painting needed something else. I then was looking for ideas on what to do and I found someone put a quote behind the picture or a phrase they would always say. I didn’t want it to be so repetitive so I thought a song would be a good option and I think it turned out good. If I could redo it I would not have erased the pencil the marks the way I did at first because it left marks that I can not get off of the paint.

Taylor Veach “Sunset”

16x20, Acrylic, 2021

This painting is an Identity painting because I love the sky at night, during the day, and especially at sunset. The sky looks different every day and every night and that is one thing that I love about it. For this painting, I used a picture that I took at sunset. First I painted the sky, and that took the longest just trying to get the paints as close to the original color as possible, and then to try and make it look identical was challenging too. The ground wasn't very hard to paint because in the picture everything just looked black so I didn’t have to make any special colors or anything like that. My favorite part of this painting is how the blending turned out, it took a long time but was definitely worth it. If I could change anything it would be the way I did the top of the sky. I liked the way it turned out I just think it could look better.