Ceramics I

Grace Copeland & Savanah Meyne, "The Chase"

Molding Clay, Paper, Camera, & iMovie, 2019

We wanted to make a video that was simple yet had a little humor so we decided to go with a snake eating a mouse. To us, this piece is just a funny little video that was fun to make. If we could change one thing about this project it would be that we would've taken more time. We rushed through it and we feel that if we took our time, the final product could've been a lot better. One thing we really like about this video is the ending where the snake poops out the mouse.

The Chase.mp4

Savanah Meyne, “Drips”

3½”x3½”x5½” Earthenware Clay & Glass, 2019

I just wanted a simple pot, but I already made a plain planter so I needed one that had a little more flare. To me, this piece means that I can now put my cool looking succulent in an equally cool looking pot. If I could change one thing about this piece, it would be adding another coat of the white. One thing I really like are how the drips are 3D.

Savanah Meyne, “Three Squares”

4”x13”x4” Earthenware Clay & Glass, 2019

I have three small succulents that still don’t have a pot so I decided to make one. This piece, to me, means that my three succulents can now live happily in their new home soon. If I could change one thing, I would change the paint color I chose, it’s ugly. One thing I like about Three Squares is the fact that I will be able to look at it every and see my plants growing inside something I made.

Savanah Meyne “Phases”

3"x3"x5" Earthenware Clay & Glass

I recently broke my mom’s candle holder thing so I decided to make a new one. This piece, to me, means that my mom will love me again. If I could change one thing, I would’ve chosen different clay because this clay had a lot of sand and rocks in it and it was difficult to work with and smooth out. One thing that I like about this piece is that my mom will love me again after I give it to her for Christmas.