Ceramics and 3D Design

Lacey Stoker "Roseberry"

Ceramics, 9th grade

My idea for this was just making the pitcher.  My process was I grabbed a template, rolled out my clay and cut it out. Once it was cut I put a template to have on it. I lifted it up to form the pitcher. How I did my handle was I just stuck clay on it and pinched it to the pitcher.  I used a lot of water to have the handle stay on the pitcher. It went to the kiln and then once it was out I put my glaze on it. I kept on forgetting which one I used so the pitcher has multiple colors on it.  The most difficult part was forming the pitcher. Picking it up and then having stay up was difficult to do. If I could start over I would choose something different to have on it. I like how it has more than one color in it.

Lacey Stoker "Ocean Flower"

Ceramics, 9th grade

I made a small bowl for the chip & dip bowls. I first rolled out my clay and put a  cloth in it and rolled it into it. Then I put it on a ring and picked it up and dropped it so it would be like a bowl. Then it was in the kiln and then I glazed it.  If I could re-do this I would change the color into something more vibrant and I would clean up the edges more. I like the flower on it. It brings a soft sweet part of it.

Lacey Stoker "Caked in Blossom"

Ceramics, 9th grade

My idea for this was to make a bigger bowl for the chip & dip bowls.  I first got some clay and put the cloth and rolled it out and took it off. Then I put it on the ring and then picked it up and dropped it on the table to form the bowl shape. Then I let it dry out and then put it in the kiln then glazed it. If I could re-do it I would clean up the images and remember what color of glaze I used because I kept on forgetting. 


Lacey Stoker & Christian Long "Blossom"

Ceramics, 9th grade

The first idea of it was making a video that had a flower bloom. The first thing that we did was get green and red modeling clay and rolled them into noodles and one in a ball. Then we started by just taking pictures and moving the clay because we had no plan on what to do for it.  The most difficult part was figuring out what to do at the beginning. 

Lacey Stoker "Mushroom in the bush"

Ceramics, 9th grade

My idea was to make a mushroom because everyone was doing that.  My process is the following first I made the steam for the mushroom. Second I made the cap of the mushroom then it was in the kiln and then I glazed it in green's and blue's to make it different. I like the different colors I choose for it instead of the normal white and red. 

Lacey Stoker "Frank"

Ceramics, 9th grade

My idea came from just playing around with clay and then Frank just came out of it.  My process was messing around with clay and then I made the body of it and then the top and only used water to merge them into one clay sculpture. Then I added the tongue and the texture to the top and then it was in the kiln and then I glazed it. If I could start over I would have chosen different colors rather than the black and gray.

Lacey Stoker "Gum goes a way"

 Ceramics, 9th grade

How I got this idea was, I was watching tiktok compilations on youtube of art tiktoks and then I came across something like this out of clay. But it had more eyes and other things rather than what I did for mine. I was inspired so I made my own spinoff of it. My process was I rolled out some clay and cut it into a heart shape but found it too thin so I did the same thing again. After that I started on the border around it. Next I did the eyes and mouth. After that it was in the kiln. After it was done I choose to do blue's and green's to make it stand out more. I really love the way it all came together and the way all of the colors fit so nicely together.

Lacey Stoker "Yuri the Infinity"

Ceramics, 9th grade

My idea was to do a tic-tac-toe board but I wanted to make it different from others so instead of "o's" and "x's" I choose ice-skates and skateboards. I choose them because they are big parts of 2 of some of anime's. "Yuri on Ice" and "Sk8 the infinity". The ice-skates come from "Yuri on Ice" and the skateboards come from "Sk8 the Infinity". Another reason is I really love watching people skateboard and ice skate in the Olympics. My process was I rolled out the clay and then cut some thin lines and made the board lines. Then I cut the skateboards and the ice-skates. Then they were in the kiln and then I glazed the board but then used acrylic paint for the pieces. If I could change anything I would change the color I glazed it. It just didn't turn out the way I thought it was. I would also lighten the colors I used on the pieces a lot. They are just too dark. I love this one so much because it brings out more about me because I love skateboarding and ice-skating and they are big parts of 2 animes I love.

Lacey Stoker "Pink in the Deep"

 Ceramics, 9th grade

My idea was to make a bowl to hold my tic-tac-toe board pieces. My process was I rolled out clay and then put a texture on it and then put it on a ring and then grabbed it and dropped it on the table. After that it was in the kiln. Lastly I glazed it in a pink because I thought it would go good with my tic-tac-toe board. I really love the texture I choose for it.

Lacey Stoker "Strawberries and Cake"

Ceramics, 9th grade

My idea for this was to do something kinda easy for since this was the baseline project. I was thinking of what to do and I thought about at the time my favorite anime was Death Note. So then I thought about who was my favorite character and its this character named L. He loves cake and sweets so I decided to do a cake. I first started by making the plate. I rolled out my clay and cut it in a circle for a plate shape. Then I pressed my finger on the clay to indent it. Then I made the cake. I rolled out my clay and cut a triangle then did that 3 more times with the other ones cutting out the middle. Then I made the frosting. I first rolled out clay and started cutting a triangle but then adding drips on it. Then I made the strawberries. I rolled out some clay and then I poked it so I could get that strawberry texture. I put the cake and strawberries on the plate and then it went into the kiln. After it I glazed it.