Flower vase

My idea was to make a vase for my grandma to put flowers or anything else in it. I also thought that because flowers will probably go in it I should maybe put a flower print on it and it could look cool. And with the color I just thought that blue was the best option out of the colors available. First I planned how big I wanted my pitcher but then instead of making the pitcher I decided to make a vase cause I knew my grandma would rather have a vase than a pitcher. I think made mt actual vase and decided on what print I wanted to do and I decided on the flower print to go around it. I then added feet to it so that it wouldnt explode in the kilm. I then glazed it a turquoise blue color when it came out and then fired it again to get the final result. The most difficult thing was probably making the sides of the vase straight because as you can see they are still kind of bumpy and not very straight up. If I were to start over I would probably make the feet smaller and not as noticable and probably also make the sides straighter. I think that this is realistic because it's just like a lot of vases you see already but I decided to make it normally because I know that my grandma likes stuff like that and I was going to give it to her. I really like the final outcome though

Chip & dip bowl

My idea was to make the bowls look like bowls you would see in a mexican restaurant because that is usually where you get chips and dip. I took a pattern that I usually see in mexican restaurant as well as the color. They were both supposed to be the light red color but the larger bowl somehow turned into that dark purple color while firing in the kiln. How I made these bowls was first I took some clay and measured how big I wanted my bowls to be and how tall. After measuring that out I took some more clay and made sides to the bowls as well as some feet so I could glaze later on. I then had them fired and when they came out glazed them with a red color. I mustve done something different to the bigger bowl by accident because it is not the same color as the red. My biggest struggle was being able to get the walls to stay up on the bowls and not fall in or out. If I had to change something it would maybe be the amount of time I glazed the larger bowl so that they matched each other and looked better. I think this is a realistic project because it is just like every other chip and dip bowl you would see.

Wheel evidence

My idea was to make a bowl for my dad that he could put whatever he wanted in. His favorite color is green so I wanted to make the bowl green. To make this bowl what I had to do was first was get a slab of clay and knead it until I had gotten all the airbubbles out. I think added it onto a manual wheel and started to center it. After centering it I took my thumbs and started to open up the middle to make a bowl shape. After doing that I just kept opening it up to make it larger and taller and thinner. After choosing a size I like I stopped the wheel and took a string and scraped it off the wheel. I then left it out to dry, then to be fired, then to be glazed and fired again. My biggest struggle was definitley centering the bowl on the wheel because my hands gave it room to move so it was hard to keep it center. If I had to start over and change somehting I think I would chang the inside of the bowl and make the bottom flatter because it kind of sinks in and doesnt stay the same thickness all around but overall I like it.

My Movie 6.MOV

stop motion animation

Me and Hailey's idea for our stop motion was to make a video of making food out of clay. We have seen this before and already kind of knew what to do and how to do it so it wasn't too hard. First we got our colors of clay we needed and then started to form different things you would need on a sandwich such as tomato, lettuce, cheese and others. We had to take a video of us starting to make the sandwich that I would then cut into a whole bunch of different clips and then put them all together and speed it up making it look like the sandwich was making it self. We then added title pages and some music to make it look better and then we were finished. The most difficult part was probably taking the clips because we had to make sure everything lined up and was set up properly so that it looked good. If I had to change something I would probably change how many clips we took because I feel like if we took more clips it would turned out better and have looked more like the sandwich was making it self. I feel that because this is a stop motion it could be considered as a abstract work of art because you dont always see stuff like it.