panting 2
Heart of Hope
Mackenzie Piatt
18 x 24, acrylic paint, paint brushes, scissors paper, glue, 2023
I wanted to represent a person reading into someone else's heart to understand better what they are going through. So all I did was take whoever painted the heart and basically painted a black background, and then I studied this piece to see what would fit I took my own poems and tried to basically make the paper look old and to cover up some of the holes that were already there. If you know the saying “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt”. Well, they so and they can stick with us and it can be so painful for the people that don't know how to let things go so easily. The process I went through was to take someone else's idea and make it my own, so instead of a white background I made it black. I then printed out some of my poems that I had already made, and I cut out the words I wanted in this piece of art. All I used was paint, paintbrushes, paper, scissors, and glue. I think that this work I did should mean don't let the hurtful words get to you because it is not worth it. They should think of this as something that can bring people together rather than apart from each other. If I had to say the symbolic imagery from this is to let your imagination take you back to the place where everything good or bad happens in your life and to learn from it as I did from mine and to never judge each other based on what you know than v.s what you haven't seen. I don't think I had any difficulties in making this but if I did I would think it would have had to be the right coloring of the paper. The only reason I had overcome the struggle I was facing was by telling myself that I had to trust the process. There is nothing in this world that would make me want to start over with this I love everything about it. I would have to say this is abstract art. The only thing that is unique to my style is I make other things go together like it wasn't even supposed to not go there but I make it work. I love that this whole thing represents me as a person and not an object.